Build 1.24.2550
Data preload support:
Now possible to preload on demand the contents of any file or folder into your local cache.
[Windows, macOS] Added right click menu “Start/Stop preload” in Finder/File Explorer.
Added CLI support through `lucid preload` command - used for following preload progress as well as scripting.
Preload only works if the full size of the selected file/folders can fit into the currently configured cache - modal dialog appears for confirmation.
Internal share links support:
Now possible to easily create a link to a file or folder for sharing.
[Windows,macOS] Added right click menu “Copy link” in Finder/Explorer.
The created link will open only if you already have LucidLink installed -
Possible to open links on all platforms - Windows, macOS, Linux.
Currently it is not possible to create such links in Linux.
Bug fixes:
[Windows] Fixed a bug where Adobe Acrobat Reader is not able to save a file (.pdf, .txt) if Lucid is mounted on a directory.
[Windows] Fixed a bug in the LucidFS driver that during upgrade might require an unnecessary Windows reboot.
Fixed a bug where DNS resolution was performed locally when using a proxy instead of leaving the proxy server to resolve hostnames.