Build 1.25.3059
Writes into the Lucid folder will not be canceled even if there is not enough space on the local disk to fit the entire cache.
Added a percentage progress indicator during the file index integrity check.
Various UI/UX improvements in the Lucid Application.
Bug fixes:
[macOS] Fixed a bug where Lucid was not able to install or update on El Capitan since version 1.25.
[Windows] Fixed a bug where running a silent Lucid installation from an Administrator Command Prompt could lead to a failure. Lucid no longer auto starts when using silent installation.
Fixed a bug where different users may see different file sizes for the same file.
Fixed various issues found from collecting feedback from the local file index integrity checks.
Fixed an issue with the “lucid perf” command where in some cases it may throw an error.
Fixed an issue where some Linux flavours could not connect to an Azure Block Blob storage.
Fixed a bug where Lucid running as a service may fail to start due to running file index integrity check.