Release notes for build #3059, release May 15, 2021

  • Updated

Build 1.25.3059



  • Writes into the Lucid folder will not be canceled even if there is not enough space on the local disk to fit the entire cache.

  • Added a percentage progress indicator during the file index integrity check.

  • Various UI/UX improvements in the Lucid Application. 


Bug fixes:

  • [macOS] Fixed a bug where Lucid was not able to install or update on El Capitan since version 1.25.

  • [Windows] Fixed a bug where running a silent Lucid installation from an Administrator Command Prompt could lead to a failure. Lucid no longer auto starts when using silent installation.

  • Fixed a bug where different users may see different file sizes for the same file.

  • Fixed various issues found from collecting feedback from the local file index integrity checks.

  • Fixed an issue with the “lucid perf” command where in some cases it may throw an error.

  • Fixed an issue where some Linux flavours could not connect to an Azure Block Blob storage.

  • Fixed a bug where Lucid running as a service may fail to start due to running file index integrity check.

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