From time to time issues happen. To get the most out of LucidLink Support, follow these steps:
- Collect logs;
Either by submitting a Diagnostic Report, or collecting the logs yourself. - Open a support ticket by filling the form out here.
a. Subject - short summary of the issue
b. Diagnostic report reference ID - the ID that was generated if you submitted a Diagnostic Report.
c. Description - Try to be as detailed about the issue you are experiencing as possible.
What led up to the issue? Is there any error message, if yes, what? Are other people affected?
d. Attach log files to the ticket if you did not submit a Diagnostic Report.
Errors when it's highly advised to reach out to support:
- Invalid key element type
- Lucid exited with code: 3221225477
- MDB_CURSOR_FULL: Internal error - cursor stack limit reached