Delete a filespace

  • Updated

Filespaces can be deleted either from the Desktop LucidLink app or the web portal - This article covers filespace deletion from the web portal.

1. Sign in with your web portal email address and credentials.

2. Locate the desired filespace and click the arrow next to it to open the drop-down menu. Select the last option - filespace settings. Then, on the right side, select the red field "Delete filespace". 

3. You will be prompted to confirm your delete request by typing the filespace name and clicking "Delete".

4. A verification code will be emailed to you.

5. Enter the verification code from the email and select "Confirm".
Note: this action is irreversible.


6. You have successfully deleted the selected filespace. Beyond the current billing period you will no longer be charged for this filespace.

Your account can remain active with no filespaces. You can create a new filespace any time.

If you are deleting a custom filespace, you will also want to delete the bucket your filespace was using.  This is something you must do within the administration of your object storage account.  Failure to delete this bucket could cause you to be charged by your provider for the remaining encrypted data.

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