The LucidLink Desktop Application supports connecting to multiple instances.
Two or more filespaces can be mounted at the same time through the command line by specifying --instance id.
Each filespace instance requires its own system resources and cache. LucidLink recommends ensuring appropriate resources are available and filespace requirements are tuned correctly in relation to the anticipated workloads.
You require an --instance id per filespace. The LucidLink application uses instance id 2000 by default and activating Snapshots leverages instance id 3000 as default.
Snapshots require additional --snapshot <id> or --all-snapshots
Please review the Link filespace from the command line for an overview of linking to filespaces through the operating system client and the OS CLI.
lucid3 --instance <id> daemon --fs <filespace.domain> --user <fsuser> --password <userpwd> --mount-point <mount-point>
Note: <mount-point> can be folder path or drive letter depending on operating system type.
lucid3 --instance 1 daemon --fs example.filespace --user user1 --password VerySecurePassword --mount-point C:\Lucid
lucid3 --instance 1 daemon --fs example.filespace --user user1 --password VerySecurePassword --mount-point M:
If your password contains special characters, enclosing it in double quotes is recommended:
lucid3 --instance 1 daemon --fs example.filespace --user user1 --password "$ecure&SafePassword" --mount-point P:
lucid3 --instance 1 daemon --fs example.filespace --user user1 --password VerySecurePassword --mount-point /Volumes/Lucid
lucid3 --instance 1 daemon --fs example.filespace --user user1 --password '$ecure&SafePassword' --mount-point /Volumes/Lucid