Manage snapshots through CLI

  • Updated

Command-line snapshot administration

Each snapshot is represented by name description along with a unique identifier in order to delete your snapshot and replace it in future with an updated point in time. 

usage: Lucid snapshot [options] 
Snapshot management. To activate a snapshot, see the options of 'lucid activate'. To schedule snapshots see 'lucid snapshot-schedule'. 

--password password      Root user's password is required for creating and deleting snapshots    
[--list]                 Display the list of existing snapshots    
--create [name]          Create a snapshot with the specified name. Name format: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-_ ()'. Max length 40 chars    
--delete id              Delete the snapshot with the specified id

 Create snapshot:

lucid snapshot --create Now
Snapshot with ID 1 created.

List snapshots:

lucid snapshot --list
ID      STATE       NAME                    CREATED ON
1       valid       Now                  2019-06-20 12:00

Delete snapshot:

lucid snapshot --delete <id>


Mounting a Snapshot via command-line interface

There are multiple ways to activate snapshots allowing read-only access. 

Our CLI provides daemon link modes to interface with your snapshot data. Each mode provides unique advantages depending on the use case. 

Launch an individual snapshot:

lucid --instance <id> daemon --fs <filespace.domain> --user <fsuser> --password <userpwd> --mount-point <mount-point> --snapshot <id>
Specify a mount-point relevant to your operating environment: Windows can be a drive letter or directory. macOS and Linux a mount-point such as within your home directory ~/snapshot

Mount all your snapshots:

lucid --instance <id> daemon --fs <filespace.domain> --user <fsuser> --password <userpwd> --mount-point <mount-point> --all-snapshots

Please reach out to LucidLink Support should you require any further assistance.

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