MinIO provides an S3 compatible object storage endpoint and is 100% open source under the Apache V2 license.
In this article we will concentrate on a very simple object storage endpoint:port to initialize your Filespace. Although MinIO supports multi-cluster, multi-site federation similar to hyperscaler cloud regions, tiers and protects data against hardware failures and silent data corruption using erasure code and checksums.
Further documentation is available for advanced configurations along with monitoring, administration and an S3 client providing familiar commands like ls, cat, cp, mirror, diff, find etc.
Download required binary:
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/minio sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/minio export MINIO_ROOT_USER=abc123 export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret456xyz minio server ~/Minio/Data
set MINIO_ROOT_USER=abc123 set MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret456xyz minio server d:\Minio\Data
Once MinIO is up and running you will be able to navigate to your endpoint:port URL and login with your environment variables access-key and secret-key.
Well done! Your object storage endpoint is operating and you are ready to initialize your Filespace within your very own on-premises private cloud.
Please follow our Getting Started Guide to create a Filespace selecting "Other Cloud" to provide your own unique WAN based URL http://endpoint:port
You will need to ensure you have appropriate firewall/port forwarding from your public WAN IP address to your internal IP endpoint:port running MinIO: consult
Now that you've setup your very own MinIO object store, why not take advantage of its clustering and data protection capabilities with MinIO in distributed mode across 4 nodes with 12 disks and erasure coding.